South Africa has failed in its bid to host Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, yesterday, when it was discovered he[Gaddafi] preferred to go into hiding somewhere else.The South African public has reacted with bitter disappointment to the announcement, as the South African bid had been widely tipped to succeed.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
SA Fail In Bid To Host Gaddafi
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4:31 PM
Related : Gadaffi, Jacob Zuma, politics, South Africa
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Captain America Release Date Angers Muslims
Muslims in South Africa were extremely disappointed to discover that Captain America, the slightly less popular Marvel character, movie will be released during the holy month of Ramadaan.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Egyptian Man Tired Of Egypt Tweets
The people of Egypt celebrated a victory last Friday, when they were able to force the resignation of the unpopular former president Hosni Mubarak. Social media and Twitter specifically were largely credited with aiding and fueling the revolution, however it seems some people have grown tired of the revolution tweets.
Ali Ali Ali, a local Egyptian man, has grown tired with the vast amount of tweets about Egypt and feels like Twitter is dead for him now. "I follow Twitter for the comedians and the funny celebrity death stories, but now everything is Egypt, Egypt, Egypt." said Ali [Ali Ali]. "I'm not against the revolution but I'm fed up of my 'Yo Momma Joke' tweets being flooded out."
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10:49 AM
Related : egypt, hosni mubarak, revolution, twitter
Monday, December 20, 2010
SA Launch eWikileaks
Based on the popularity of the international version of Wikileaks, a South African version has also sprung up, calling itself 'eWikileaks'. Founder, Julius Assangeni, said, "This is not to be associated in any way with that crap TV channel. Our aim, similarly to our international counterpart, is to expose the deep dark secrets of our country like the controversial Arms deal and where Patricia De Lille gets her ridiculous outfits from."
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2:43 PM
Related : 150 years in SA, indians, South Africa, wikileaks
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Woolworths SA To Become Christian Book Store
Due to the immense popularity of Christian magazines, Woolworths SA have decided to become a Christian book store. Initially, Woolworths SA had removed Christian magazines of their shelves because of the lack of popularity, but due to the public outcry, Woolworths decided to put the magazines back on their shelves. Afterwards, gaging from the response to the magazines' removal, Woolworths realised there was much more money in Christian literature than previously thought, and promptly decided to become a Christian bookstore in preparation for the masses of Christians looking for Christian literature, who will surely descend upon their store.
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6:18 PM
Related : christian magazines, Woolworths SA
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Stephen Hawking doesn't exist"- God
The world was rocked the revelation by the All Powerful God, that world famous British physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking does not actually exist. This revelation comes after a book allegedly written by the alleged Mr. Hawking claiming that God was not necessary to explain the creation of the universe.
1 developments
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5:52 PM
Related : Creator, God, stephen Hawking
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Strikers Striking Against The Strike
Public servants in South Africa astonished the country today when they 'picked up tools' and announced that they would be striking against strike action. In a move analysts are calling 'getting back to work', public servants claim they had grown frustrated with all the striking and decided to strike against the strike.
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11:48 AM
Related : government, public servants, strikes