MJ 'claims' Khan
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Facebook crashes local Internet
Reported by
M Junaid
1:19 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Rick Rolling out of control
As the Rick Rolled toll soars, a group of concerned citizens,PARA (People Against Rick Astley), spearheaded by a few celebrities, have called for the immediate execution of Rick Astley for crimes against humanity.
'I have never been so insulted in all my life (except during the impeachment trials)', said former president, Bill Clinton, who was allegedly rick rolled 15 times while trying to click on 'nude intern pics'.'Once Hilary is in office, I will make sure rick rolling is punishable by death, but I still think we should start at the source.'
Another high profile rick rolled victim Paris Hilton, is unable to stop singing the infamous song.'Never gonna give you up ... never gonna let you down,' cried Miss Hilton.
'Ruck rou, Rick Rastley', said popular comic canine, Scooby Doo.
For more information on rick roll, click here
-Waseem 'Allegedly' Dawood-
Reported by
3:22 PM
Related : crime, entertainment, Pop Culture, rick rolling
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Peach and Luigi elope. Mushroom Kingdom in shock
Reported by
M Junaid
2:28 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Professor Will I Am explains genetics
Professor Will I Am presented at a genetic research conference today revealing his findings on genetics, particularly female genetics. His findings have been described as ‘the biggest find in genetic research since Dolly the sheep’ and has caused an uproar amongst the ugly community. Known for his previous research into ‘lady lumps’ and ‘humps’, Professor Am felt he should be the one to ask the important question of ‘where'd you get yo body from?’
“The research was carried out in various clubs and beaches, where the question was asked to women between the ages 20-24. After months of painstaking research, the resounding answer was ‘I got it from my mama’, which was repeated a few more times for emphasis.”
Professor Am went on to say that “ Statistics also reveal that 9 out of 10 times if a women is pretty, she is pretty like her mother. Conversely, if a women is ugly, 9 out of 10 times she will be ugly like her mother”
When asked what he thinks this research can help prove, Professor Am has said, ”It will help in the fight against ugliness, I will spread the message, even if I have to rap it.”
Ugly women everywhere have protested this research and called for more in-depth study into the project before the result can be considered conclusive. One hideous woman, with a nice personality, has claimed,” After all, ugly people are people too.”
Some of the ugly have reacted angrily and demanded to know,” What you say about my mama?”
Waseem ‘Allegedly’ Dawood
Reported by
4:09 PM
Related : entertainment, research
Friday, November 9, 2007
'Just Joking' says Bush
In a light hearted press conference, President George Bush has claimed he was 'just joking' when he gave the order for the US to invade Iraq. 'When Colin[Powell] came up to me that March, and asked me if I felt like invading Iraq, despite the fact they had no sign of weapons of mass destruction, I said "Sure, why not, all the soldiers are dressed up with nowhere to go". When the first bombs hit Baghdad, Barbara and I laughed so hard. The Saddam hanging was a bit hardcore though. I think the joke has gone bit too far now, maybe the troops should come home.'
'No offence.' Bush added, to the thousands of dead and injured Iraqis.
Vice President Cheney chuckled and commented that, 'He[Bush] is always doing funny shit like this, like the time he said he wanted to run for president. Oh, how we laughed.'
'Lol', remarked former Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld.
-Waseem 'Allegedly' Dawood-
Reported by
1:36 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Calls for Peace in Middle-Durban
Durban, South Africa Minority Front leader Amithabh Rajbachan calls for ceasefire this diwali, pleading to the rival Indian communities, Chatsworth and Phoenix, to put aside differences and embrace each other as brothers and sisters. Citing last year's incident, when several Indians where held back and one Moonien Muroogadesin had his mother severely sworn, as inhumane and a real tragedy. "It will keep getting worse unless the communities take swift action" he said.
Historians claim war started on slave ships, Phoenix and Chatsworth, when one aboard the Chatsworth exclaimed "This ship is banging ekse". Residents from Chatsworth believe it started when Aunty Saras stole Pushpa's AMC pots, Aunty Saras being from the Phoenix side. Casualties high on both sides and increasing the war shows no signs of ending. Many weapons have been chosen over the years such as taxi sound offs and who can wear the most gold without falling down.
A resident Phoenician on talks of peace "Only if those chassie boys recognize who really be rockfalling, I'm training my lighty to be a don, he has two gold tooth's, and can handle three chains...united!!"
A hopeful Amithabh Rajbachan concluded with "I have a dream, where all Indian communities can bang equally. A dream where all Indians can put facecloths in the back of their collies and not be singled out." A statement no doubt which will be echoed for generations to come.
Reported by
Hamza Fareed
1:40 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
SPCA launches the 'Protect your Pet' campaign
Reported by
M Junaid
3:35 AM
Related : what the hell does SPCA stand for?
Monday, October 29, 2007
5 Little Piggies : The Aftermath
The small town of Foot was rocked recently by the murder of beloved, 2nd little Piggie, who was found dead at the Piggies home this past Friday night. The murder scene left officers baffled behind the possible motive for such a crime. Events soon escalated after it was discovered that 5th Little Piggie was taken into custody, charged with the murder of his brother, 2nd.
Authorities have now revealed this was due to the trail of urine(wee) found leading towards the Piggies home, around the time of the apparent murder, which upon DNA analysis matched that of 5th. Close friends have said even though there was an animosity between the two, no-one could have predicted such a tragedy.
Our well wishes and condolences go out to the Piggie family at this trying time.
-Waseem 'Allegedly' Dawood-
Reported by
1:28 PM
Related : crime, nursery rhymes
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Televised Coverage of World War 3

MJ 'Claims' Khan
Reported by
M Junaid
12:12 AM
Related : Angelina jolies death justifies a nuclear attack, Coke Lore, I hate Kareena Kapoor, Verify your e-mail
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Queer wizard actually queer
In a news flash that has rocked the very foundations of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, respected headmaster, has been posthumously outed from the closet. Just like Princess Diana, it seems Dumbledore's death has done nothing to quiet the interest in him.
One of his favorite pupils, Harry Potter had this to say. "This is just more proof of how much he hid from me, this makes a lot of sense now that I think about it, that elaborate fashion sense, his weird mannerisms, the gay porn. Damn him, this is so like him to take the spotlight even in death."
Ron Weasley, noted sidekick, expressed shock and discomfort at the news. "Blimey, never pegged Dumbledore for a fruit, I always got the heebie jeebies when I was alone in a room with him ... um not that there is anything wrong with being a battyboy or nothing."
Hermione Granger, smartest girl at Hogwarts (or insufferable know-it-all as she is known to her friends), claims she has always known this. "It was fairly obvious, I thought everyone knew and just did not want to say thing. After all he spent a 100 or so years without marrying, how gay is that"
Headmistress McGonagall still seemed a bit distraught over his death, and this news has only compounded to it causing her to ramble incoherently."It makes no sense ... I mean wasn't he ...was that why he didn't ...it is always the good ones. Damn that Grindelwald."
Aberforth, Dumbledore's estranged brother, known sexual deviant, was surprisingly accepting of this piece of news. "I always knew him and that Grindelwald feller were doing more than just magical experiments if you know what I'm saying."
-Waseem 'Allegedly' Dawood-
NB. JK Rowling actually said that she always thought of Dumbledore as gay in a reading at Carnegie Hall.
Reported by
11:07 AM
Related : dumbledore, harry potter, literature
Friday, October 19, 2007
And they chatted happily ever after
History was made this weekend with the first ever couple to get married on mxit. The marriage between Badboyzn and MrsBadboyzn formerly known as Sexygirlzn took place at Durban12. It was a small affair, only seven per room, with some quite famous handles invited for the wedding. Amongst the guests where:
and R()T!(H!C|{
The affair was not your usual glamorous wedding, simply incorporating their love for mxit and each other. The bride as is seen with most Indian weddings logged on half an hour later than planned after which the ceremony started. Drama ensued when badboyzn left the room without a "brb" during the all important “I do”. Rumours ran wild that the groom had second thoughts and could not go through with the ceremony, some saying the lack of picture swopping being the main reason. Luckily for Sexygirlzn, Badboyzn was not about to leave his allegedly beautiful bride at the alter, logging back just minutes later claiming he DC'ed. Shortly after the ceremony the throwing of the (f) commenced with R()T!(H!C|{ catching the bouquet, much to the chagrin of |34D|30Y-zn who just invited her to go private. As the newly married couple prepared to leave for their honeymoon Almost News was allowed a few questions. On there first meeting, it was agreed that it was love at first sentence, “He had me at asl, it was da way he sed it dat really stood out from the rest, n wen he askd me to go pvt after dat, I just knew he was da 1”. When questioned on destination, they replied in unison “JHB 23”. MrsBadboyzn then added “ We herd frm a lot of our fwends dat JHB 23 has lot of fwendwy ppl n we both hope to make lot of nu contacts.”
When asked to comment on the marriage creators of mxit released this press statement.
“We created mxit with the sole intention of creating anarchy, mxit while driving, working, school. It's a shame that it has lead to two people falling in love, we just wanted to bring about the fall of the economy. We are looking to shutdown all servers to further stifle this unforeseen reaction.”
Althafs Cuzzy Almost News Chatsworth
Reported by
Hamza Fareed
2:24 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Robbie Williams Steps out of the Closet
Long time fan of Robbie Williams, ms Q Daya said “ I am glad that Robbie finally came out of the closet. He has been really depressed recently”. Robbie’s various addictions are well publicized and are now believed to be part of his way of dealing with his former persona. The cheeky superstar was all smiles when he told the horde of journalists present at the conference that he likes to ‘take it up the batty”, a popular British slang used to describe a sexual act. When asked which musicians he fancied, Robbie said that he would love to “get it on with the entire ensemble of Ladysmith Black Mambazo”, a popular Academy Award winning South African choir. His latest album Intensive Care, a reference to Intensive Care Vaseline is one of the biggest selling albums of 2005 achieving No 1 status in 18 countries.
Reported by
M Junaid
3:21 PM
Related : Pop Culture
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time with God goes into overtime
A Muslim priest has apologised for over-running the normal duration of Friday's midday prayer. Despite receiving many pointed stares at the clock, as well as what can only be described as meaningful throat clearings, Muslim priest Mohammed continued his lecture for an extra two minutes. Many prominent business owners expressed silent outrage, followed by some louder grumbles while leaving the mosque.
Restaurant owner, Mohammed said "I sacrifice my 5 minutes for this weekly prayer, so I can't afford those extra minutes, a minute wasted is a customer lost".
An elderly shoe shop owner, Mohamed commented that "In my day we used to have twice the prayer in half the time, these extra minutes show a blatant disregard for my shoe shop ... Asmals, Cathedral Road, finest shoes for the finest prices."
Not everyone was against the lengthy prayer though. "I work for a company, and the longer I spend in prayer is more time I don't have to be back at the office," said Mohammed, salesman at Mr Price, who was then promptly stoned.
Another mosque regular had another complaint, "I don't mind the going over time, but where is the biryani?" asks Mohamed.
-Waseem 'Allegedly' Dawood-
Reported by
2:15 PM
Related : religion